Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday Know'm Sayin'?

Had a fun morning today.  I got all suited up and drove the bike out to Mom, Dad, and Tam's house to go swimming.  It's quite an adventure riding in the dark with that bike because the headlight is so dim.  Dad said he watched me come up the hill and that a flashlight is brighter than my headlight.  No argument here.  I want to get a brighter headlight, but I don't know if the lamp is the problem or if it is so dim because my bike runs off of magneto instead of a battery.  Regardless I need to do something about it if I want to continue to ride in the dark.  I even got to say hi to Mom and Tam this morning because they were up when I got there at about 5:45, so that was cool.  I swam 1/2 mile again.  I'm starting to feel better in the mornings.  I'm usually still pretty dead come nightfall though.  Those 8 mile runs are tough!  I covered 8 with Dad last night in 58:00, which is a 7:15 pace, not bad.  I'm only going 5 or 6 tonight because I am going to run 10 tomorrow.


  1. It is always a better day for me when my son comes out to see us. Hope the rest of the family can come see us real soon. We get lonesome for you all. I should have loaned you my mini mag flashlight Mike, it would have been much brighter than that headlight you have on your bike. Good job on your workout, and getting me back involved in a little exercise. Cheerio Mate!

  2. Driving out on those roads without good headlights would be difficult because there are no street lights to help you out either.
    That training pace is what my race pace used to be. =)
