Monday, March 9, 2009

Dumb Drivers!

It is snowing like crazy here in Western Washington!  Here we are almost 1/3 of the way through March and it is snowing.  This has been a crazy winter.  I think we've had as much snow here this winter as there was in Utah the last winter before we moved up here to Washington.  I ran 4 miles this morning with my stocking hat pulled down low over my eyes to keep the flakes from getting in my eyes.  I actually felt pretty good this morning.  I usually do on Monday mornings since I usually take Sundays completely off from running.  I was surprised that they didn't cancel school here today.  They usually cancel it even if the weatherman says there is a chance of snow.  They are kind of wimpy up in these parts when it comes to cold and snow.  Dallas and I had fun walking to school in the snow.  Although Dallas did mention that it would be the worst school day ever because they probably wouldn't let him have recess.  On my way back I saw a black Ford Ranger rear end an SUV of some sort.  It didn't even look like he tried to stop.  I don't think it had anything to do with the weather, the guy was just an idiot.  I was watching it and thinking to myself "Why isn't that guy slowing down?  He's totally gonna hit..." SMASH!!  Then they both got out to assess the damage.  All this happened while I was just standing at the light waiting for the WALK sign.  It will probably be dead here at BSS today with all this snow.  I guess we'll see.


  1. Good job on your run Mike, being dedicated like that will pay off at this springs Track Meets. That was something about the accident that you witnessed this morning. Guess the guy that rear ended the car in front of him , just wasn't paying attention. I guess they can't always blame it on cell phones.

  2. Yes, it sure has been a crazy winter here in Washington. I was surprised myself when school wasn't on a 2 hour delay this morning.
    I guess they figure they better just deal with it since they already have so many make-up days to do. Crazy about the driver who wasn't paying attention and slammed into the back of someone else.

  3. boy i am not looking forward to coming up there now. i hate the snow! i am spoiled with the california sunshine. oh well. there are dumb drivers everywhere! they got them down here too! how's business? slow?
