Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is Health Skin Deep?

I've been thinking about health and fitness a lot lately.  I'm kind of struggling to stay motivated with running and getting in shape for some reason lately.  It has made me think a lot about the human body and health.  I know a lot of people think that if someone is on the plump side, then they are out of shape and unfit.  This is usually true.  However, the opposite is not always true.  Just because someone is thin doesn't mean they are in shape or healthy.  Some people are naturally skinny or on the thin side.  They can eat fast food, junk food, etc., and not exercise, and still stay skinny.  On top of this, a lot of drug addicts, cigarette smokers, and alcoholics are thin also.  That certainly doesn't mean that they are in shape, fit, or healthy.  It is easy for us to judge from what we see of the body, it's hard not to because we can't see what is on the inside.  For example, when people overeat all the time and make unhealthy food choices, they don't usually think about the harm they are doing internally to their body, they usually just worry about getting fat.  Getting fat isn't a good thing for sure, but it isn't the only harm being done.  People who consume too much food are making their bodies work way harder than they should be.  For instance, the digestive system is constantly hard at work trying to deal with all this food that it is constantly being forced to deal with.  It makes everything harder for the body.  Drugs, alcohol, and other substances being introduced to the body also make the body work overtime to rid tissues of  unwanted and harmful invaders.  When someone is extremely tired, it shows in their body language, on their faces, etc.  But when the bodily systems are extremely tired, it doesn't show on the outside.  But that doesn't mean they don't need a rest. I think that is one reason why we feel so good when we eat right and exercise.  We give our body the time it needs to refresh itself and rest.  The heart and circulatory system need to be exercised by aerobic activity in order to stay healthy.  My friend Jason has always been naturally very skinny.  But throughout the years of running with him, it was always easy to see if he was in shape or not.  If you were to see Jason in shape and out of shape, you would not be able to see much difference, if any.  But his heart and lungs and muscles sure can tell.  Let us all take the time we need to exercise.  Let us all evaluate what we are eating and putting into our bodies.  Our bodies will thank us and we will feel better!


  1. Well said Mike, now I'm feeling guilty about what I'm putting my body through.

  2. I learned about an interesting study when I was in school. They fed rats equivalent of a high calorie diet and the other group they fed a low-calorie diet. Neither group was obese or underweight. The results of the study were the rats fed a low-calorie diet throughout their life lived much longer than the rats fed a high calorie diet throughout their life. Interesting isn't it?

  3. that is funny you posted this mike cause i also have been thinking about shedding some pounds and getting ready for track season this summer! it is true, we should treat our bodies right. thanks for the reminder!

  4. As I stress chomp on a Twizzler...

    But true. Our bodies are the greatest gifts we have and we should take care of them. It reminds me of when we would go on our 5 a.m. runs down the streets of Orem. We would get so sick just smelling the doughnuts as we ran by Albertson's. I bet that would smell good to me right now. My body is poisoned with junk. I'm having a hard time staying motivated too. I don't know why.
