Sunday, February 8, 2009

Elders Quorum

So today at Church while I was sitting with my Primary class during sharing time, some guy walks up to me and hands me a slip of paper.  I reply with a thank you and he is on his way.  As I read the paper, I am reminded as to why I have always had issues with the way Elders Quorum is run.  The paper is titled "Missionary Exchanges" on the top.  Then it states the meeting time and place for missionary exchanges is Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. at a members home.  I couldn't help but notice that I am on the list to go on splits with the missionaries, along with some other guy from the ward, on April 1st.  Then there is the fierce warning from whoever authored this; it says "If you are unable to fulfill this assignment, it is your responsibility to find a replacement."  How is it my responsibility?  I never asked to go on splits with the missionaries.  I never signed up.  I understand that they must have problems getting people to volunteer, but that doesn't mean they can just sign people up to go and expect it to be their responsibility.  I think next week I will go around and hand out a notice to everybody that they are assigned to help clean out units at Best Self Storage and if they can't do it on the date they have been assigned, it is their responsibility to find a replacement.  Tell me what the difference is.


  1. That happened in one of our previous wards also and the reason they gave was that it is part of "the responsibility of being a priesthood holder--part of the priesthood duties." That's the explanation everyone was given in our old ward.

  2. Well Mike, I certainly don't agree with the way the ward handled that assignment. I liked your idea of giving them some of their own medicine, but guess I shouldn't pass judgement without knowing the circumstances. I've never had that happen to me like that, but then again, I'm not known to be a super active member, so guess they wouldn't give me that assignment. I'm sure that you will handle it in your own way.

  3. aaron said do what he does just take the paper & don't do anything about it. they will get the hint real fast.
