Saturday, February 7, 2009


We are all immigrants.  Our ancestors came to this country for the same reason people are still dying trying to get here: to make a better life for them and their families.  I think before we blame the problems in this country on the Mexican immigrants, we should look at the problems that the born and raised citizens cause.  It has been my experience that the majority of those abusing the welfare program of this country are not the immigrants, but rather U.S. citizens who are so spoiled by the ease of life in this country that they are unwilling to put in honest work for an honest wage, and would rather have the government supply them with what they need and/or want.  I don't know if anybody else got that super awesome video from U. Ron of that hick couple consisting of a super gifted middle aged female that thinks she's hot (far from it) and her awesome super skilled middle aged guitar owner friend (notice I didn't say guitar player, that would be an insult to those of us who can actually play) singing about what it means to be an American.  Those fools couldn't last 15 minutes doing the back breaking labor that these supposed terrible people do all day every day, usually for less than minimum wage.  I know this because if they worked as hard on their musical abilities as most immigrants work the land, they might actually be able to play an instrument and sing.  


  1. Despite the okieness of the video, I do agree that English is the language of the United States and I think it's wrong that my sister is denied a job down in Southern Cal because she doesn't speak Spanish. Back in the day all immigrants learned the English language.

    I do find it quite funny that a person who voted for and praises Obama would send this video clip, considering Obama is supporting the spending of billions of dollars to the catering of different languages here in the U.S.

    But I do agree with you that the majority of the immigrants in this country are hard working and do work that others wouldn't. Funny you should mention "next time you bite into an apple or pear, thank an immigrant" because as I am washing my fruit before I eat it, that's exactly what I think.

  2. My post wasn't intended to mean that immigrants should not have to learn to speak english. If someone wants to come to this country, they should learn the language and abide by the laws here. My point was just that people should look around at the real problems before pointing the finger at immigrants.

  3. Man Michael, it is hard to put comments on your blog. I just had a long one written and it got erased. So I have to start over. What I said was this country was founded by immigrants. But I believe the attitude of those who went to Ellis Island was much different than those today. They actually took pride in their new country and tried to assimilate and learn the language etc. I think those immigrants today regardless of what country they come from try to keep their own culture and language etc. I do not believe in illegal immigration. Of which there is a major problem in this country. But, yes there are many legal immigrants who work hard and earn an honest living. That's my two cents. :-)

  4. By the way, I did not watch the video sent by uncle Ron.
