Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Heavy Metal

I ran 4 miles this morning.  I was pretty tired.  These 2 a day workouts are hard.  They are always hardest the first week or so until the body adapts.  It does feel good to be running again though.  I remember doing two a days in High School and being so dead that my legs would be burning just walking up the stairs at MVHS.  They would feel so heavy.  But it was always worth it come race day.  Hopefully I can stay motivated this time.  
Dallas has a school project where he has to fabricate a homemade musical instrument.  It shouldn't be too hard since his instrument is the triangle.  We'll have to find some kind of metal that will make a nice "ding" sound and shape it into a triangle.  I sure am sick of all this rain.  


  1. I just tried posting a comment and it just deleted the thing. I bet Dallas' triangle is going to sound great. I love running in the rain, but I know what you mean. We need some happy sunshine. I always dread spring though because allergies are so fierce.

  2. It won't be long for your fitness Mike if you keep doing "doubles". Before you know it, you will be tougher than a pair of Air Max pounding on " The Grizzly ". Let me know if you need me to help with the project that Dallas has been assigned. Maybe we could braze some wire to the triangle and make a stringed instrument.
