Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cuddly Brandon

Derrinda got up early to run this morning because she is having a get together with her friends later this morning.  When she got back and said that it was my turn to go run, I was sleeping with Brandon in my arms.  I decided to wait on going on my run because babies don't stay babies for long enough so you have to cherish those moments.  Even Eli is already such a big boy.  He woke me up to go on the potty this morning while Derrinda was out running.  You always hear people say that they don't stay little for long, but I never really understood it until now.  I finally did get up to go running, and I went the same route behind Safeway and up the river trail to Fred Meyer and back.  4 miles in about 29 minutes.  "He's just slooooow."


  1. yes, i too understand now that i am a mommy that they grow up way too fast!!! they are such precious gifts from heavenly father and i am grateful you are cherishing the moments with your boys!! love you! good job on the run too by the way. i think that is fast! cause i am just slow now!! how'd you like the shirt?

  2. I'd like to run 4 miles in 29 minutes. Sounds fun. Yes, the little ones grow up super fast. Seems like yesterday that Mercedes was Brandon's size and now she's in Middle School and will be in Young Women's later this year. She already has school dances. It's crazy! I cherish every single minute with my kids. I'm glad you do too.

  3. I am glad you were able to spend some quality time with Brandon. Yes, kids grow up really fast. I am glad you are cherishing each moment with them that you can.
