Friday, May 8, 2009

It's Friday!!

I got up and drove the CBR over to Mom and Dad's to swim this morning. I enjoy getting up early like that, it gives me a feeling of self satisfaction and it's a great time to reflect and prepare for the day. Last night I ran 8 miles on the trail. My right achilles was bothering me a little bit. I came home and iced it, took some ibuprofen, and rubbed it down with some Sombra. Dad gave me some patches (I think they have aspirin in them or something) this morning and it is feeling better for now. It's hard to know for sure until I start running, so I guess I will know better tonight. I was planning on another long one tomorrow morning, maybe even 15, but I will have to see how it feels tonight. I may only be able to go 10-12. It is far better to take it easy and still be able to run then to overdo it and go out on injury for weeks or even months. It seems like that's always how I go out though!
In other news, I got the parts for my Honda PC800 today, so I will be putting that back together and seeing if the charging system is good to go (fingers are crossed).
I also had a fun ride coming back home. I know people worry about me getting killed on that CBR, but I am a very cautious rider. I do enjoy going very fast, but I consider myself a safe driver and I never go fast unless I can see all around me and am on a straight road. I was behind a dump truck trailer combo and there were also 2 other cars behind it. When we hit a long straight section, I looked, signaled, and passed. I noticed one of the cars was an older model VW GTI. I know about these cars because I looked at them when deciding what car to buy. I decided on the Mazda, but the GTI is also a turbocharged 4 cylinder, and the people who drive it think it is faster than it is. It is a quick car, but not as quick as the Speed3, WRX, or Evo. Anyway, I saw him pull out and pass the truck. I wasn't racing him by any means, but when he got too close behind me, I dusted him. I only had to go half throttle to completely obliterate him. And true to form, when we got into Orting, he went straight at the Eagles lounge and hit the gas hard while driving away from me. I don't know why everybody who I smoke does something like that every time, but I find it hilarious. I also saw a sweet red Corvette on the way out to swim. That car looked fast!

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