Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Starting Anew

I've still got a hacking cough that gets quite annoying and I still have a weird pain in my lower abdomen near where my appendix used to be. I'm still trying to run through it even though my mileage has suffered. I was up to around 50-60 miles per week and now am closer to 30-40 for the last couple of weeks. I was able to get an 8 miler in yesterday on pitbull trail. Well, I ran from BSS to the trail head and then up to Military road and back. I ran at right around 7 flat pace. I ran 6.5 today and pushed the pace a bit to try and force myself out of my comfort zone which seems to be around 7-8 minutes per mile. I ran 6.5 in 40:24 which is right around 6:15 per mile. I felt o.k. as far as my legs go but I was coughing so much that I kept getting short of breath. I still feel good about the run. I need to remember when I go out on training runs that I'm trying to improve and get out of my comfort zone rut. That means "push the pace pansy!". I recall being in High School and taking off from the duplex and starting the run no slower than 6:00 and after warming up hitting miles between 5:20-6:00. Granted I was only running 4-5 miles per run at the time, but I'm not convinced that I'm too old to run faster times than I did in High School just yet. I remember I used to look forward to my workouts with a fervor and I had goals for each run, etc. I remember one speed workout in particular where I went to the Smith field house to run 4x800's and the entire morning all I could think about was how I was going to attain my goal of averaging 2:15 per repeat. I know that having goals works because I ran my first in 2:17, the next 2 in 2:15 exactly and then I said to myself "well, to get my goal I now need to finish with a 2:13." And that's exactly what I did. That was one of my finest workouts, but it goes to show that desire and hard work will produce results. I just wish that I could find the zeal that I once had for working hard during my runs instead of just coasting along. Motivation has been a real factor (lack of motivation) for me the past several years of running. After that trail race Saturday, I thought about how back when I was running like I did during those workouts like I mentioned above, there was no way I would have just coasted along in the race and not cared about my finish place or time. Oh well. Anybody have any suggestions on how to get re-motivated? After all, I am still only 33 years old and should be running as fast as I ever could.


  1. I don't have any suggestions, because I find myself having the same problem. It is more difficult when you have a full time job and raising kids. Life wasn't so chaotic as it is now in my opinion, you had more time to focus just on yourself and running. Hang in there, you are doing great. I miss running with you this week. Let's start fresh again on Monday morning at Storts!

  2. Well, in regard to Juliet's comment about full time jobs and raising kids, I think you know where I'm heading with this. It can be done, and desire is the key word. I don't remember how many times I told Juliet during her high school career, that she has to want it for herself, I can't want it for her. Mike, you have hit the nail on the head. Get out of your comfort zone, train at the pace or faster, that your competition are training at, diet is huge, and here is the kicker, consistancy!
    You both are doing fantastic, and you are just wanting to be at the top of your game right now, and you must work and wait for that to happen. Remember that during the race, never let a negative thought enter your mind. Words from an old geezer. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". Now, go get'em.
