Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Running with Dad

I just got back from running.  It was especially fun this afternoon because I was accompanied by my Dad riding his bicycle.  For anybody who is unaware, my Dad and I have put in a lot of miles together over the years.  It's always fun when he can go with me.  The miles pass too fast.  We went 4 miles and we were just getting the conversation started and it was already over.  I guess I need to become a marathoner so we have more time to chat!  It turned out to be a beautifully sunny day, so I would've lost the bet I made earlier when I said it would turn cloudy.  I am happy to lose that bet, I love seeing the sun.  Cody has Kindergarten registration tonight and Derrinda is heading to some party with her friends after that, so it will be party time with the boys around here!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I deleted that message because it said "Tammy said" I didn't realize she was still signed in on the computer. Glad you and Dad had fun on the trail. I passed Dad on Orville when we were coming out to swim.

  3. Mike, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed running (biking) with you again. We had a good chat, but like you said, it was over before we knew it. The only way it could have been better, if it were like the old days, and I was pounding my hoofs right along side of you. I still have dreams of doing that again. Not sure how many miles we have run together over our lifetime, but if I had a dollar for each mile, I'd be a wealthy man. I am fortunate to have ran many miles with all four of my children. Thanks Mike for spending that quality time with me in the autumn of my life.
