Saturday, March 13, 2010

Columbia Tower

I had a gig last night in downtown Seattle at the top level of the Columbia Tower, which was the tallest building West of the Mississippi River when it was built. There have since been taller buildings built, but it is still 4th tallest west of the Mississippi. It was a launch party for Microsoft and we put on a good show and everybody there seemed to have a good time. The view was pretty cool, but being from Utah and being used to going up into the mountains and the view from that perspective, it wasn't as cool as that. The coolest thing about being up there was watching the big planes fly into SeaTac and being below you. I am pretty tired now though because I was up at 6:30 Friday morning and ran 9 miles in a downpour, and didn't get back from the gig until about 2 a.m. And we all know how sleeping in in the mornings goes with 4 little boys...not too good Al.


  1. Cool view. I do not like heights though, so I would have high anxiety being up there.
    Glad the gig went well.
    Sounds like you are really putting in the miles.

  2. that is cool to say you played the columbia tower. i know it is a sunny day today, but still too cold for my liking. rest on up mike, we will start again with our running on monday. have clean uniforms! i am going to start calling you my rock star brother!
