Monday, February 8, 2010

My Morning So Far...

Had a crazy start to my morning today. The plan was to meet Juliet at Mama Stortini's restaurant at 7 a.m. for our usual 6 mile morning run. Well, my alarm went off at 6:15, which was earlier than I wanted to rise. It is normally set at 6:30, but Derrinda had a meeting early yesterday morning so I changed it to 6:15 and forgot to set it back. Well, I hit snooze (I thought, the Power button is right behind the snooze) and went back to sleep. Next thing I know I open my eyes and glance at the clock-- 7:02. Crap! Juliet's been waiting for me at Storts. I threw on my warm up pants grabbed socks and shoes and ran down to speed the 2 miles over to where she was waiting. The only problem was I didn't have a shirt on, oh well, no time to get a shirt, so I threw on a zip up sweatshirt that I saw laying there on the floor and threw my socks and shoes in the van and drove off. The clock in the van said 7:07 when I got there. Juliet was not there. I thought maybe she was walking back to her apartment (my mind wasn't working good just yet), so I drove past her apartment and then realized she was probably on the trail getting her run in without my delinquent butt. I came up with plan B which was to drive to the Safeway and hopefully she would be getting there at about the same time as me and I could start from there. I hurried and put my socks and shoes on and went out to the trail. Thankfully I saw her about 200 yards down the trail heading towards me. At this time I realized I hadn't taken the time to pee yet, so I took this opportunity and visited the bushes (George W. and Laura were not there however). Juliet told me she saw someone go into the bushes and was scared they were going to kill her. She was ticked when she realized it was me. She was going a good pace and it seemed particularly quick to me since I wasn't warmed up yet, but I finished the run with her and then ran back up to the van so I still got the 6 miles in. I told her I didn't have time to put a shirt on and made a joke of it by zipping my sweatshirt down half way and revealing my "Jonathan" chest (Michael Landon in Highway to Heaven). It was funny.


  1. Ha ha, I am still laughing about your jonathan chest! That was hillarious. I waited as long as i could. i know i just missed you! Anyway, glad we got our run in regardless. how's the rest of your day going? mine has been super busy!. anyway, ok, remember when i woke up late too before? it happens to the best of us! love you bro!

  2. Sounds like a funny morning. Hilarious in fact.
