Thursday, February 25, 2010


My allergies have been terrible the last few days. Everyone else in my family seems to be sick with a cold at the same time. It hasn't kept me from running though. I had a good run last night. I ran 4 miles in 26:07. I knew I was pushing it a bit, but once I saw my first mile was 6:48, I thought to myself that it must be a day for pushing it, so I upped the effort a bit and ran 6:43 for my next mile (into a stiff headwind). So 13:31 at the turn and I knew it would be easier running back with the wind at my back so I just got going a good pace and kind of coasted. My next mile was around 6:30 and I finished in about 6:06 for my last mile. I felt pretty good about that because I'm still not in very good shape, but getting closer everyday now.
I ran 6 miles with Juliet this morning and was pretty beat from last nights run, but we made it through like always and felt good afterwards like always. Now I've been sneezing my head off all morning. I took some Benadryl allergy medicine, but I have yet to find any medicine that gets rid of the sneezing, stuffy nose, nose running, etc. Oh well, I guess it just helps me to appreciate my health when I've got it. Later yo.


  1. Have you tried Claritin-D? You have to get it from behind the counter at the pharmacy. Regular Claritin doesn't do jack. But Claritin-D seems to work fairly well. Zyrtec has worked well for Richie in the past. It didn't seem to make him tired like some of the others do.
    Good job with the running. That is awesome that you could push it and have a good run. That's awesome that your last mile was your fastest.

  2. Howdy Mike, Very good pace for not having done "pickups", or "Farklets". It is nice to know that you are no longer in the non weight loss bracket also. You should be ready for Track season, barring all other complications that go along with distance running. The allergies will pass in due time, as you recall of our workouts in days gone past, consistency is the key word. I have handed the baton off to you Son, now let's see what you do with your leg of it! I may be old and fat now, but my memories of us running together all those years in Utah have not deminished. Love, Dad

  3. Dad said,
    These pictures of me at the beginning of my comments sure make me look pretty, don't you think?
