Tuesday, April 3, 2012

For Willie -- My Faithful Friend to the End

The carefree way we’d run and play,

Oh how I long for yesterday!

A stronger love could never grow,

A truer friend I’ll never know.

Your youthful body time did steal,

But not your playfulness or zeal.

I wish that I could find a way,

Go back in time to yesterday.

I’d wrap you in my arms to stay,

Oh how I long for yesterday!

I never thought you’d go away,

Oh, how I long for yesterday!

If one-thousand years I live,

A stronger love could no one give.

Than the love you’ve shown to me,

A love I’ll feel eternally.

And if my tears could wash away

Today and bring back yesterday

I’d wrap you in my arms to stay

Oh, how I long for yesterday!


  1. That's a nice tribute to Willie, Mike. Did you write music with it too? Willie was a loyal and loving dog. He was lucky to have a family who loved him so much. It hurts so much because you both loved so much. I'm glad you have so many happy memories to look back on. Willie will be remembered with smiles.

  2. What beautiful words for a beautiful soul. It brings tears to my eyes, but Lisa is so right about you both loving each other unconditionally. There is no doubt that Willie is hovering over your family continously, and he knows how much we all loved him. Just look at the pictures. The word "Content" doesn't scratch the surface of his awareness of the love that he was showered with. Whenever I would tell Samson to get in the truck , we were going over to see Willie and Dakota, he would get so excited, and come running over to me . Love you all, and thanks for sharing the blog with us.

  3. That was beautiful mike! I love that picture, it shows how much willie was loved and how much love willie had for your family. I know you will be shedding tears for years over him, he was such a great part of your family. Love you and take care!

  4. What a lovely poem. Willie was a wonderful companion who loved unconditionally.
