Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Proof of the Deal of a Lifetime...

O.K., so this morning I went to the licensing agency to transfer the title to my name and pay the ridiculous amount of sales tax on the truck. I was ready to fork over about $350 for the tax. Well, the lady at the window wants to know why the truck was so cheap. She is obviously thinking I am lying about the price I paid for the truck. She then informs me that I will have to pay the tax on the minimum the truck is worth. I ask her how much the truck is worth. She tells me $8500. So they want me to pay $850 sales tax when I really paid $3500 for the truck. So now I have to try to get a hold of Randy again and see if he will fill out a "Declaration of Buyer and Seller" form and say why he sold the truck for so cheap. So obviously the truck was a killer deal because the state thinks I'm lying about it. I guess I should have told her the transmission was out or something, I don't know.


  1. GT. Well anyway I guess it made you feel better about getting such a good buy. What a hassle. This cursed state that we live in.

    I have a hard time posting comments on your blog so I put anonymous.

  2. It's too bad you have to be labeled a liar just because you got a great buy on a truck.
    Speaking of licensing...I haven't gotten my tabs in the mail yet. Seems like I should have them by now.
