Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Year Again

I have witnessed my 34th New Year (33 years old), and once again I am determined to make myself a better person. This year should be an awesome one as in a few weeks we will be moving into our new house. It looks like this year will also bring a change in my employment. My goal is to make sure it is a positive change and not a negative one. I'm a bright person with a lot of different skills, so I think I can adapt to whatever comes my way. I would also like to re-prioritize my running. I have been plodding along for a few years now. Last year I was only able to run a 5:03 in the mile, and this year I would like to see that time closer to 4:40 or so. But I also understand what that means as far as commitment and time spent running. It seems like it hasn't been worth working 3 times as hard just to take 30 seconds off of my mile. But I would at least like to take it a little more serious this year and maybe run some road races and stuff. I did the Hood to Coast last year and held my own, but I wasn't in the shape I should have been in. I would also like to better myself in other ways, such as spiritually, etc. Don't we all though? I like ringing in the New Year because it is really a great time to evaluate where you are and where you would like to be and try to connect the dots to try to get closer to that. Here's to a great 2011!!


  1. You have a good attitude about everything. I am excited for you to be able to move into your new home. Here's to the new year. I hope it's a good one for you.

  2. Go get'em Mike on the road and track. Always remember that I'm right there along side of you, can't do it physically any more, but I'm there spiritually. I like your outlook on life, and support it 100%. Now let's get started with this new year.
