Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day at Point Defiance Zoo

We took the boys to McDonalds afterwards.  They had fun at the play land and Dallas was something to behold.  He ate a double cheesburger, an additional cheeseburger, fries, finished off Brandon's burger, and topped it off with an apple pie.  Oh, and washed it all down with 2 small sprites.  That boy must be growing like crazy!  Heck, I don't think I ate that much as a teenager.
I ran 6 miles with Juliet this morning.  She hasn't been feeling well lately, but we got it in nonetheless.  


  1. Dear Son, Thank you for remembering and honoring all of our Veterans. You are so right about Freedom coming at a great price. May those that have departed rest in peace, and those still with us, be honored and respected. I love you so much Mike. Thanks for setting a good example for your children, and those around you. I love you Son! Love, Dad

  2. Michael,
    I couldn't read this post because my eyes are bad and I couldn't see the blue on black. But the pictures looked cool. Looks like you had fun at the zoo.

  3. That tiger reminds me of that bear in Logan. Pacing the small space he has.
    Glad you had a fun day with the family.
