Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ramones Tribute

A little over a year ago I was trying to think of something really cool that I could do for Jason's birthday since usually it isn't much more than a call or something small. Well, I decided it would be cool to go to my recording studio and record a bunch of Ramones songs that we used to love (still do) and listen to while driving around in the Nova or Jason's parent's hot '91 Dodge Colt (We called ourselves the "roller skate bandits" because we looked like we were in a roller skate). Jason used to accidentally pop the clutch too hard and give too much gas leaving a stop light, and the front tires would squeal. I told him it sounded like a bicycle taking off too fast. Those were good times. Anyway, the songs I picked were some of my favorite Ramones songs and I recorded all parts (guitar, bass, drums, and vocals) myself. I was happy with the way it came out. I sent it to him and then decided to make a Myspace music account. I called it Ramones Tribute, and it is now the 1 year anniversary of posting it, and I've had over 29,000 listens in a year, so that isn't bad. Better than keeping it to myself I guess. Maybe some lost soul of a kid who was wallowing in the world of terrible modern rock music has stumbled upon it and discovered the Ramones. Anyway, here is the link if anyone cares to listen to some freaking awesome Ramones covers!!


  1. The kids and I always listen to that Ramones CD that you made. It's cool. What's up with the scary white face on myspace? There sure are some freaks that make comments on that thing. (No, I'm not talking about me because I didn't make any comments on there)

  2. I'm glad that you've got so many hits on your site. I know you worked hard on that project and you can be satisfied that everyone who listens to it loves it!
