Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dallas and the Guitar

Dallas has been practicing the guitar very hard.  I have been teaching him a few riffs and he has really taken off with them.  I taught him "Stay together for the Kids" by Blink-182, which is actually a fairly advanced guitar riff, because he really wanted to learn it.  I taught it to him thinking he would see how difficult it was and just give up and try to find an easier song to learn, but he has practiced and practiced and is making great progress with it.  I recorded him playing it the other day and another song.  Check him out!


  1. Holy Smokes! Dallas has really picked up that talent. Daddy must be a good guitar teacher, and Dallas is very dedicated for a lad of his age. I would have given up on the first sign of a sore finger. You had better reinforce the structure of your house walls, with two rockers like that under the same roof brings a whole new meaning to " Rock the House".
    Hey Mike, could you steer Dallas towards old country western music for Grandpa Stone's ears?..ha.

  2. This is G'Pa Stone, what the heck is this thing doing saying that it was Lisa making that last comment? Sorry about that Lisa.
