Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Morning

I had band rehearsal with Mister Miyagi last night. We rehearsed for 2 hours, from 7-9, and then we had a "band meeting" for the last hour. Many things were discussed and there is a lot of craziness between band members right now. It seems like everybody wants something different out of the band and that is causing issues. Since I joined Idol Eyez, it has caused even more stress with trying to get shows, etc. Plus a lot of weird happenings went down with drama between the two bands, and I'm right in the thick of it since I play in both bands. I think now that the holiday parties are over and it's a new year, there won't be as much drama with the bookings, but maybe I'm just being optimistic. I've got a show up in Seattle tonight with Miyagi. It's a private party for some dude's 30th birthday. They rented the Crocodile Cafe out for the party. It should be a lot of fun, and hopefully get us over all this stuff that has happened and just get out and play some music and have a good time. Anyway, I got to bed around midnight, and at 5 a.m. Brandon started throwing a fit over his pajamas because even though they were soaked with urine, he wanted them back on and wouldn't shut up about it. So I didn't sleep at all from then on. I finally got up around 6:15 and got ready for my run with Juliet. We got our usual 6 miles in and had fun as always.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting business with the two bands. Hope things get better for the two. By now you have already completed tonights gig, and hope all went well. Rich dude to rent an entire cafe. Music keeps the body young, keep belting the tunes out Mike.
